Recension: Mutants

Det här är väl egentligen en blandning av postapokalyps, virus och zombie nästan. Jag vill inte påstå att den lyckas speciellt bra med någotdera och man har lyckats göra den kollosalt ointressant om man ska vara helt ärlig. Skådespeleri och annat kan man väl inte klaga på egentligen även om jag kan konstatera problematiken kring att bedöma trovärdigheten i replikernas framförande av ett språk man inte behärskar, i det här fallet franska. Undan för undan blir den väl något bättre och framåt slutet när tempot trappas upp ganska rejält blir det som bäst med på det hela taget en ganska stor besvikelse av en film som faktiskt hade ganska stor potential. 


News: Ronny Carlssons Dust Box

A happy couple are trying to get pregnant but are failing each time. Eventually the woman's mind snaps and she enters a world of her own where she becomes pregnant. She starts seeing how her man is ignoring the baby that is growing in her belly and how he slowly distances himself from her.

DUST BOX is the new Swedish feature from Film Bizarro Productions, and a follow-up to their 2010 short RÉCOMPENCE. Although not a direct sequel, a lot of style and themes have been carried over to this upcoming feature. DUST BOX is an arthouse drama with some experimental horror elements, where the biggest inspiration is drawn from filmmakers such as Ingmar Bergman, Andrei Tarkovsky, Lars von Trier and Andrzej Żuławski, but also equally from more bizarre filmmakers like Shinya Tsukamoto and Nacho Cerdà. The film is currently in the middle of production with two thirds filmed already, and with a tiny budget of around $2000.

Written, directed, produced and edited by Ronny Carlsson, and starring the up-and-coming professional actress Mariah Kanninen and non-actor Robert Ericsson. The film is shot in HD by director of photography Mikael Johansson and features SPFX props by gore-meistro Marcus Koch. Featuring music by Justin Curfman and his band Feeding Fingers. Co-produced by Preston Carnell, with two associate producers: Vincent Trocki & Craig Molden.

No date is set for the finished product, but filming ends 1 July (with only 3 weekends of filming in total) and will be followed by a few months of heavy editing.